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How Do I Know if My Email Is HIPAA Compliant?

As more people choose to interact with their medical providers online, these providers have an increased need to send sensitive information through email or another online method of communication. They are legally required to use a HIPAA compliant email provider to keep the information out of the wrong hands. Here are some features your email should have to keep it compliant with HIPAA regulations:

End-to-End Data Encryption

Your HIPAA compliant email should use end-to-end data encryption to protect private information and to comply with HIPAA regulations. This process strips documents and messages from any personal information from the point where it’s sent until it arrives at the destination. Hackers will find these emails useless if they intercept them. Even the service providing the encryption doesn’t have access to the data. End-to-end encryption is more secure than encryption-in-transit, which only protects the data until it arrives at the server. The protected information isn’t made available until the intended recipient accesses the message.

Antivirus Protection

A virus can wipe a database clean or allow hackers access to all your information. Many of these viruses are sent in emails and are activated once you open the email. You don’t have to click on a link to give the virus access to your system. Email providers should include antivirus protection in their packages, preventing dangerous messages from getting to your inbox. By stopping them at the source, the antivirus program reduces the risk of infection. Many people access their emails on mobile devices. These programs work with smartphones, tablets, and laptops, protecting the medical provider regardless of where they send or open emails.

Spam Filtering

Spam filters don’t just keep unwanted ads or “spammy” messages from getting through. They also protect your inbox from malware-infected emails. Once you open one of these harmful emails, you allow the malware to attach to your computer. It can access private information and render your system useless. Spam filters can delete the messages or place them in a specific folder, such as the junk folder until you have time to review them manually. They can prevent private information from being stolen and stop cyberattacks, which can damage your clinic’s reputation and harm your patients.

Two-factor Authentication

To increase the level of protection with an email provider, you can enable two-factor authentication. This process requires a person to log in and verify their identity in two ways before they can open emails. The authentication steps may include a password, PIN, security question, or a code sent to a second email or phone. A hacker is less likely to have the ability to provide evidence of both factors if they try to access an email, which protects the message and the information it contains.

Choose the Right HIPAA Compliant Email Provider

The team at Enterprise Guardian® specializes in email systems compliant with HIPAA regulations to safeguard patient information. We protect the data, using the strongest security measures, and follow the best privacy practices. Contact us today to learn more about how we can enhance the security of your online communications.