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HIPAA Compliant Email for Therapists

HIPAA compliant email can help therapists prioritize HIPAA compliance and safeguard sensitive patient data. For most therapists and healthcare providers, having HIPAA compliant email is legally required. It can help protect patient information from data breaches that could put them and their private details at risk. Enterprise Guardian®, or EnGuard®, offers HIPAA compliant email for therapists that includes end-to-end encryption, secure login, real-time back-up, and more.

Why Therapists Need HIPPA Compliant Email

HIPAA laws require all covered entities and healthcare providers who handle protected health information (PHI) to use HIPAA complaint email. Email-based hacking incidents are the most common cause of data breaches in healthcare and are particularly risky for patients when their PHI is involved. This is because PHI is especially valuable on the black market. By using HIPAA compliant email, therapists can satisfy HIPAA regulations and protect their patients from these risks.

Benefits of Using HIPPA Compliant Email

Using Enterprise Guardian® email services allows therapists to communicate safely with their patients. It can also allow them to maintain their patient’s trust and avoid legal consequences from a security breach. There are many benefits to using HIPAA compliant email, including:

End-to-End Encryption

End-to-end encryption makes sure that the content of emails is unreadable to anyone other than the intended recipient. You can send encrypted or clear text emails, depending on what is included in the message. The recipient can respond securely so that communication is encrypted from both ends. This added layer of security protects the confidentiality of therapeutic communication and allows you to safely discuss patient progress, treatment plans, financial information, and more.

Secure Login

We use secure login processes like two-step authentication to protect your email account. Two-step authentication prevents unauthorized users from logging into your email, even when they have your login credentials. It does this by requiring an additional step, such as sending a notification or code to your mobile device. By requiring additional verification steps, therapists can make sure only authorized individuals can access patient information.

Block Spam and Viruses

EnGuard®’s anti-spam system blocks over 95% of spam by detecting untrustworthy emails. You can also manually whitelist trusted senders or block unwanted senders. Our anti-virus system updates every hour and deletes any suspicious emails to protect you from malware-infected emails and untrustworthy spam.

Send Files Securely

Our email service allows you to send files from our Secure Cloud by uploading your attachment to our Webmail and sending a secure link to the recipient. You can also add password protection and time expiration to these emails for extra protection. After clicking the link, the recipient can download files up to 2,000MB in size.

Back-up Emails

EnGuard® archives all incoming and outgoing messages indefinitely. If you accidentally delete an email, we can easily restore it. This can protect your business, providing a comprehensive record of your client interactions and communication history.

Experience HIPAA Compliant Email for Therapists 

Enterprise Guardian® offers HIPAA compliant email for therapists who own small to medium-sized practices. Our email service includes robust security features such as end-to-end encryption, two-step authentication, data loss prevention, and more. We can help you maintain HIPAA compliance and protect your patient’s sensitive health information. Contact us today to learn more about our services.